New shirt for husband. It really is SO HARD to find shirts that he fits into. He just needs to lose enough weight to fit into at least XXL or better yet XL! Anyway after looking through a ton of racks I finally found a not hideous 3XL shirt. I think Jake looks nice in button ups. :)
And for my closet lighthouse obsession... jk I just needed a cheap frame for a project I hope to finish soon! Its one I started 6 years ago!! But that's another post...
And 3 cute vases... not sure exactly what I'm going to do with them, but I got a few ideas floating around.
On a much more exiting note: MY SISTER IS ON HER WAY RIGHT NOW!!!!! They're driving thru the night and should be here by noon-ish! Okay technically I saw her less than 5 months ago... but that is still too long ago! And we haven't seen Josh since New Years. He is bringing his computer so its gonna be LAN central downstairs again. Jake is thrilled. Boys and their games... wait I play games with Bean too. There is no hope for Baby E, he will be a geeky gamer. Its in his genes from both sides. Hmm I wonder if me playing computer games was one of the things that first made Jake like me? I'll have to ask him.
Also, been thinking Halloween (its my favorite so I start a few months early) and costumes this year, probably gonna go with...
I know, you're jealous and wish YOU had thought of that first. I don't wanna give too much away... but it's gonna be pretty epic. Most babies dress up like adorable monkeys or bumble bees something that makes you go AWWW! but I think making people say "That is one awesome warrior baby!" will be a little more gratifying.
Well I have to say I'm proud of my blogging this month! Already 4 posts, that's more than my whole 2010! I'm on a roll, hopefully one I can keep up! Until next time...
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