
Housewife Failure

Hello again, here's the latest and greatest in our world. I changed a few things on the blog, I went ahead and added Jake and Evan to my header, even though neither one will be posting or reading this blog, they are still subjects of most the posts so I decided they can be included.

I'm LOVING my time home with Evan. He is getting so big now and heavy! He is one solid little baby. He loves playing with his feet and has just within the past few days figured out how to stick out his tongue. Still trying to learn rolling over. He is getting pretty good at sitting on his own for a few seconds before he either slumps forward or rolls off to a side. He has one tooth on the bottom. It just cut so I want to wait til its sh
owing more before I get a picture of it, but here is a pretty recent one.

The job hunt still goes on for me, which brings m
e to my subject today. I was at the unemployment office enrolling in a program and the guy helping me asked "What are your long term career goals?" to which I replied "I don't want a long term career, I eventually want to be able to stay home and raise my family." So since I am getting that short opportunity right now, I should be giving it my all, enjoying it while I can, right? Well I'm not.
I don't clean as often as I should, I rarely cook, the laundry piles are all too big. I have a lot of rationalizations for these. Back when I first got married, it was I work full time and get home at 9 PM, I don't know about you, but you really don't want to do much cleaning after 9pm and we were living at my in-laws so we didn't really have much to clean but our room and bathroom. Plus at that time Jake was working nights and would usually get home around 11pm, so I was off the hook as far as dinner went.
But now with no job, I have the time to do all those things, plus the fact that I am in my own house now. Of course I could say the baby is now taking up all that time. Which he, of course, does take up a lot of time, but not the whole day.
Jake really likes when I make him dinner (at 3pm) so he doesn't have to go to bed on an empty stomach. I guess I'm just not in the habit of having to cook every day so its not something I'm very good at but I'm going to start to try harder to meal plan.
Another reason I think I don't get much done is when Jake goes to bed, from 4pm to midnight, I take that time to just hang out in the nursery with Evan. We have Jake's laptop in there so I'll Facebook or we watch shows online or play little baby games (peek-a-boo, patty cake). Then once Jake gets up we move into our room and Evan sleeps next to me on the big bed-- I found its so much easier than having him in the other room or even in the bassinet. Then we stay in bed til Jake comes home.
So really, I have 5 hours to do stuff when Jake is home and able to help watch baby. 5 hours!! I could do so much more than I am.
I'm not even being too hard on myself, not like I do absolutely NOTHING all day and I don't expect my house to be spotless all the time. I just feel like I can be BETTER at being a stay at home mom and wife. So I made a list (cause when I write stuff down it has 80% better chance of actually happening) of chores for different days of the week. I think if I can at least do one chore every day plus make Jake dinner I'll start feeling more accomplished and maybe my laundry piles will get smaller ;) and Jake will be glad he has me for a wife!
Of course he never says anything about me being a bad wife, but he could care less how often the floor gets vacuumed or if his shirts are hung up. This is a guy who uses a sock to clean up something he spilled on the floor because its closer than getting a paper towel... sigh.
Anyway, just a little rant of self motivation for me to try harder! :) Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with that picture! Love that Evy Boo :) hahaha. Sorry, can't help it.
    I think you are an awesome mom and wife! My brother is blessed to have you and Evan in his life. You guys have a cute family and home!
    By the way, I LOVE your new blog look! It's super cute!
