

Here is just a few (poorly filmed) videos of Evan. Don't worry I don't intend to ever be a professional. 

This first one is of some bathtub fun. He was splashing and screaming more before but then of course when I got the camera out he was more mellow... oh well its still cute!

And this one is him CRAWLING! :) Well kinda. The early stages of crawling. Please ignore the absolute mess that his room is currently... 

In other news, I started work this week. I am a cashier in the Pharmacy at the Sandy Walmart. Its been kinda crazy and you'd think for a multi BILLION dollar company they'd be a little more organized but seems like the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing most the time. At least that has been my experience so far. Other than that I think I will really like it. All the Pharmacists and techs are really nice and helpful since I have a lot of questions all the time. 
Anyway that's all for now, until next time. 

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