
Baby Shower

Well, I had my baby shower on Saturday. It was fun and so glad so many people could make it. Of course I HAD my camera but failed to remember to take any pictures. :( So I'll have to steal them off my mom's camera when I get a chance. Guess now that the shower is over it really is countdown time! My dad is going out of country to Denmark again from the 12th to the 19th, and bestie Crystal Moeller is going to be gone from the 14th thru the 18th. So I'm pretty sure that's when he'll end up coming haha.
At my last doctors appointment I was 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated, so things are going the right direction. Kind of makes me nervous like I need to get his room done STAT! I've been procrastinating that because I can't decide if I want to paint it and what color. Well I DO want to paint but its more like if I have the ambition to actually do it. Right now his room is awful yellow color, which is gender neutral and I could keep it but I just don't like it so much. We'll see.
Jake is getting anxious. He always gets anxiety over big things and he is just like "The sooner he comes the better" and I tell him "Be patient, he'll come when he's ready" but its the building up that gets to him, so the longer it takes the more anxious he gets. I can't wait to see my big strong husband holding our teeny tiny son. I think he might cry. I might cry. I tend not to be very emotional, but having a baby is something special, so I just might.
Bean is going to come down beginning of March to help me out and see her first nephew. So I'm of course excited to get to see her so soon after the last time they came down. Aurelia also is so excited to have a cousin finally. She held Crystal's baby Porter at the shower and like after 5 seconds she was like "Okay too heavy for me" but I'm sure she'll love him so much.
Well I'll try to post again at least once before he comes, hopefully.

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