I'm missing my sister terribly lately. Jake is working late tonight which usually doesn't bother me much since I work late too, but Tuesdays are my day off so I'm home, bored and alone and the first person that pops into my head for company is two states away. So plan B, I try a few friends but it is a rather lackluster attempt on my part.
"Nothing beats a friend like a sister"
- Me
I keep having this feeling, every time I'm with my family and she's not with us, like I'm expecting her to come in the door with her yappy dog any minute but she never comes. It's almost like I'm holding my subconscious breath and never being able to let it out.
The longest we've ever been apart has been 2 months and 16 days. Today only 1 month and 17 days have past since last I saw her, but I think the reality of not getting to see her again until October is weighing on me. Maybe its her cancer diagnosis. Maybe its just my out of whack hormones. Maybe its even living with Jake's sisters, making me realize how foreign they seem to me and how much I miss the comfort and familiarity of Bean.
Not knocking my older sis, 15 minutes away, but even she knows we don't share the same type of bond. Of course the recent addition of husbands means Bean and I will never have the same relationship again and maybe that too is making me sad. Loss of the past and a future that won't be. Sorry this has been emo but what good are blogs if not to vent?
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