Evan is 6 months old today. Some days its seems like it was only a month since he was born, going by so fast. Other days, I want to speed ahead and see all the amazing things he'll be doing soon. Here is some Evan 6 month facts:
Likes: Cookie Monster, drink containers, playing on his tummy, Peek-a-boo, Patty cake, going for walks in the stroller, spitting/blowing raspberries.
Dislikes: When Daddy picks on him, Sweet Potato baby food, sleeping without his blanket, falling over when he is sitting, sleeping through the night (unfortunately for me)
Other feats: 28 inches long, no scale but I'm sure he's pushin' 20 lbs. Has 2 bottom teeth, 1 top tooth and another on the way! Army crawls. Can stay sitting up but can't push up from laying to sitting.
We got his pictures taken at Sears this week. Sadly, they don't come in until Sept 9th, but just in case you didn't know how freaking cute this kid is, here are some sneak peaks:
Yeah, that is my adorable baby. I cant wait to get the bigger/better ones!
I am so happy that Evan is part of our family and feel so glad I was able to be a stay at home mommy for 6 months. He is such a good baby and I love spending my days and nights with him. Sadly I have to return to work soon but hopefully he won't have to be in daycare too much since I'll only be part time.
In other news, Jake started school this week. We had a slight hiccup getting financial aid approved due to some old grades from when he was in concurrent enrollment in high school. But thankfully we appealed it and got approved! He is taking 3 classes this semester on top of working full time. I know this will be hard for him to fit work, school, and homework but am so proud that he's made the decision so he can get a good career to support his family. :)
Until next time... :)
Bean, Josh, and Lily came down from July 27th til August 2nd. I always love being able to hang out with my sister, and after convincing her to stay at my house instead of my parents I got to see a lot of her!
On Wednesday night we decided to make this recipe I found online for Cheesecake Cookie Dough Bars. So after shopping for the ingredients we got to baking! Well Bean forgot to add any brown sugar to the cookie part and I think the crust needed a little more butter than called for (can't go wrong with more butter, right?) I think they turned out really good! The recipe does say to let them cool overnight, but we didn't want to wait! (They actually were better the next day)

On Thursday we went to the Wood Connection so I could use my gift certificate I got for my birthday.... only I forgot to bring it, so we just browsed around getting some ideas. Then we went swimsuit shopping since I needed a new top to hide all my stretch marks. Anyone who knows me knows I hate shopping, but sometimes you just gotta. Thankfully we only had to go to two stores to find one. Then later on we met up with Josh and a couple of his friends to eat at Bean's favorite Chinese place, Chin Wah.
On Friday we went to Iggy's with everybody. (Our whole family and Josh's mom and Russ) Bean thought it would be funny to give Evan a pickle so she could see him make a funny face. Well, thing is, he loved it! He was sucking on that pickle for a while before I took it away. 

Then after dinner we had a party over at Clint's house with all our friends. We played Rock Band and everyone loves Evan cause he is always such a good baby. Here is some of him just Chillaxin' at the party. :)

On Saturday, I had planned to go back to Wood Connection, remembering my gift certificate this time. I looked online before hand to make sure they were open, only to find they closed at 4, and it was already 3:10. So I told Bean we have to go now. So we got in the car and I was like, Ooo we should stop and get Jamba's. Since we had talked about getting some previously and it was sooooo hot in the car that it sounded just fantastic, so we did, completely forgetting that we needed to hurry before the store closed, well once we had Jamba in hand and got back in the car it was 3:56, so... we did not end up going to Wood Connection. haha But I think it was worth it.
Well I had been planning to go swimming with Bean while she was down (hence why I needed to get a new swimsuit) and we thought Monday would be a good day since we didn't really having anything planned and we figured it would be less busy than if we went on Saturday. Only if we had looked at the weather report... Monday came and so did the rain. We had thought of going to Cowabunga Bay but with non-cooperative weather I thought we ought to stick to an indoor pool. Since Kearns is about one minute from my house I figured we should go there, but we had already enlisted my mom to watch Evan for us so it seemed silly to drive CLEAR to my mom's then right back to go swimming so we ended up going to the South Jordan indoor pool. Here is some pics of our day:
Bean would probably kill me if she knew I posted this one, but its just so funny.

Bean making a splash

No, my skin hasn't seen the sun.
Going down the fun slide... Bean was going too fast I only got her splash face. haha
Evan wasn't real sure what to think about Lily but they ended up being alright with each other.
Well this has been a pretty long post for me so I'll say farewell. Until next time.